
Allow your members to vote

Submit a Vote

To vote, click the ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธVote button and then select what option you want to vote for.

Now select the amount of Points you want to use.

Creating a Vote

To create a Vote, use the command /create type: ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Vote.


Choose how the voting is done, anonymous or public. The button with the โœ… is the active transparency mode.

  • Anonymous -> Voting is completely anonymous, no one can see who is voting what

  • Public -> Everyone can see who voted what and how many votes they used

Edit Vote Info

This option allows you to edit the information of your Voting. You can edit the following:

  • Vote Title

  • Vote Description

  • Vote Thumbnail

  • Vote Image

  • Max Vote

Edit Settings

Here you can configure the settings of your item like:

  • Entry Limit in Points

  • Min entry in Points (Leave blank if no minumum)

  • The amount of winners

Add an Option

To add a new voting option, click Add an option in the select menu.

Fill in the option's title and description, if necessary.

Require/Exclude Roles

This option allows you to limit who can vote by roles. Use the 2 selects to choose the fitting roles. Options:

  • Required role to vote

  • Exclude a role from voting

Edit End Time

Here you can set the end time of your Vote. There are some preset options you can use or you can set a custom time.

If you would like to set a custom end date, there are 2 options to set a custom time:

To set a custom end date by using the Relative Time Format, scroll down in the select menu and click the option โš™๏ธCustom.

Once you click the option, enter the time in the correct format and click Submit.

  • 'y' for years

  • 'M' for months

  • 'w' for weeks

  • 'd' for days

  • 'h' for hours

  • 'm' for minutes

Publish the Voting

To publish use the green ๐Ÿš€Publish button, this will send your Vote in the current channel.

Edit Vote

To edit an already existing Vote: right click the message -> Apps -> Edit

When clicking Edit, you will now be able to edit the message. For details, follow the steps in Creating a Vote.

Last updated