๐Ÿ”ฅNFT (ERC-721)

Reward NFT holders with daily Points

The NFT (ERC-721) setting allows you to let every NFT or token in your collection generates daily Points to encourage sweeping and HODLing. Holders will be able to claim those Points in their dashboard.

You can access the NFT (ERC-721) settings by clicking the ๐Ÿ”ฅ NFT Collection Settings (ERC-721) option.

Now you will see the following message:

This menu gives you the option to manage your NFT collections. Here you can add, view, edit and remove collections.

Add a Collection

To add a new collection, click the โœจ Activate New Collection option in the settings menu.

When you click on this option, a form will open where you must enter the contract address for your collection and optionally a name for the collection. Once finished, click Submit and wait till the collection is imported.

Once the collection is imported, you will see a message depending on your subscription level and the number of collections available. Multipliers are only available if the server already has a generator, so the first collection is automatically made into a generator.

For the other collections, you get the following menu where you have to select the type of effect you want on the collection:

Read the following pages for more information about the effects and how to set them up:

Remove Collection

To remove a collection, go to the ERC-721 NFT Collection Setting Menu and click the ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Remove A Collection option.

Now another drop-down menu appears and select the collection you want to delete. After this, confirm the removal if you are sure (This cannot be undone).

Edit Collection

To edit a collection, go to the ERC-721 NFT Collection Setting Menu and click the collection you want to edit. This opens the collection's settings menu.

Settings menu explained:

  • ๐Ÿ“ Edit Name: Edit the name that will appear in Discord for this collection

  • ๐Ÿ“ Edit Type: Edit the collection type. This is only available for the Pro Tier or if multiple collections are available. Changes are irreversible!

  • โž• Edit Base: Edit the default base of the collection. For generators, this is the default number of Points they generate and for multipliers, the default multiplier effect.

  • โ”: Gives some more information in Discord

  • ๐Ÿ”ง Advanced Settings: Edit the base in detail for each property-based NFT. READ MORE

  • ๐Ÿ“ Set Max Balance: Set the maximum number of points a Generator can hold. This is only available for Generators.

  • ๐Ÿ” Re-Sync: Sync the owners, metadata of the collection.

Last updated